Eleftheriou Venizelou (Iolkou) 71, Volos

THE Lymph Press is a device that with the periodic pressure exerted by air on the respective applicators for the upper or lower extremity and from the periphery to the center with a defined frequency and pressure (adjustable) air promotes the action of the skeletal muscles and the valvular mechanism of the veins . In other words, the return movement of the blood to the veins, the good lymphatic movement and also a more general massage of the muscles are achieved.
Therapeutic Results :
Increasing peripheral traffic with constant pressures - breakdowns
Increase of temperature in the treated area
Absorption of edema with clear volumetric changes
Better venous return circulation
Indications :
Acute Swelling (post-traumatic, after fracture, after burn)
Postoperatively or in cases of long stay of the patient in bed
Chronic venous edema
Chronic venous insufficiency - venous stasis
Deep vein thrombosis
After paralysis of the CNS. (total - partial)
After injury
Rheumatic edema
Varicose veins of the lower extremities
Venous sclerosis
Shoulder periarthritis
Anterior cruciate ligament rupture
Knee Osteoarthritis