Eleftheriou Venizelou (Iolkou) 71, Volos

Treatment with the BTL super-inductive system leads to immediate pain relief at all stages of the disorder, fracture healing, muscle relaxation, muscle stimulation and joint mobilization whether it is acute or chronic.
Joint mobilization
The mobilization of the joints is achieved through the repetitive contraction of the muscles involved in the movement of the joint. This repetitive contraction aids active mobilization, which leads to the restoration of functionality.
Treatment of porosity fractures
The high intensity of the electromagnetic field enhances the blood circulation in the affected area and supports the regeneration of bone and cartilage vessels.
Muscle stimulation
The interaction of the electromagnetic field within the neuromuscular tissue results in nerve stimulation and muscle contraction.
Reduction of spasticity
Interception of an intense muscle spasm is achieved by affecting the level of the nervous system, which controls muscle tone. This mechanism is indicated for the treatment of central motor impairment, in which spasticity occurs. Neurological cases such as polyneuritis, stroke, hemiplegia, paraesthesia, multiple sclerosis etc. show an immediate improvement in symptoms from the very first sessions.
-Non invasive, natural method of treatment with immediate and exceptional therapeutic results
Absolutely safe method due to transdermal distance and contactless use of magnetic fields
Easy and fast application over clothes
Short duration of treatment after which the patient returns to his daily activities
Increased patient satisfaction without causing pain during application without side effects